design measures timing, amplitude separately
Accurate and repeatable signal integrity measurements
above 1Gb/s require precise waveform reproduction. SIA instruments
from Wavecrest incorporate a high-resolution, direct measurement
design that measures both timing and amplitude separately.
This method is in contrast to digitizing real time oscilloscopes
that use error-causing interpolation techniques. Because each
oscilloscope manufacturer uses its own interpolation technique,
it is extremely difficult for engineers to correlate measurement
Wavecrest Instruments Analyze
Digitizing Oscilloscopes
Interpolate Data
Limited bandwidth coupled
with interpolation techniques cause digitizing oscilloscopes
to add error to the measurements. These measurement errors,
together with rise/fall time, amplitude, timing and jitter,
can keep you from meeting compliance standards and correlating
with customer specifications. Wavecrest integrated an equivalent
time sampling oscilloscope because it is the preferred instruments
of engineers due to its accuracy, high-resolution and high-bandwidth
capabilities. With Wavecrest SIA instruments, you measure
the performance of your device, not the error of the instrument.